Cooking Fever Wiki

The Teapot is an appliance in the Indian Diner. It is used to brew masala chai. A teapot that gives out one masala chai is available when players first start level 1 in the Indian Diner.

The teapot automatically refills a new cup each time a player serves a masala chai to a customer. Players have the option of upgrading the teapot to brew masala chai in less time and to distribute more portions at once.

The minimum time a teapot will brew a masala chai is 5 seconds. The maximum portions given out at once is three. Experience points are given for each time a player upgrades the teapot.

This appliance occasionally breaks and needs to be fixed by the Repairman.


Indian-Diner-Teapot Indian-Diner-Teapot-1 Indian-Diner-Teapot-2 Indian-diner-teapot-3
Level 1 Upgrade 1 Upgrade 2 Upgrade 3
1500coincoin 3000coincoin
1portionportion 1portionportion 2portionportion 3portionportion
16 stimetime 8 stimetime 7 stimetime 5 stimetime
70xpxp 150xpxp 200xpxp
Repair Repair Repair Repair
160coincoin 180coincoin 200coincoin 210coincoin